You're right, I had not ever heard of Captagon. Sounds like the stuff of a zombie movie. Except it's real life. Thank you for bringing this to my attention!
School shootings in US track with flooding boys with designer speed (BigPhama ADHD meds), and more recently the atypical antipsychotics given to teens for “mood disorders”. Lastly add in “medical marijuana” which also makes people agitated and sometimes psychotic. Thanks for the article.
Another thought about what you said / implied Dr, is that retail marijuana has other ‘components’. Retail meaning street or legalized state sold? Street weed can have bad stuff in it yes. But then that alone negates weed itself from being the culprit. Ty stick in the 70s was stronger than todays weed. USA is not the most used population. Statistically maybe as we have more ppl. But places like Jamaica Thailand So America have been using long before it became so popular in US. A symposium I attended in Montreal a few years ago had some interesting data. I feel any studies thus far have been inconclusive and somewhat biased.
Good read. Thank you. I would like to go through and outline the things that can be disputed and discuss. Written by a journalist and not a medical person. There simply has not been good honest discussion or real scientific studies. They have always been skewed IMO. As an RN I knew not to use. I’m not a user, although I have tried,in college. I didn’t like the effects. The only time tolerable was after cancer treatments to stop the nausea. It’s the only thing that worked. All of the usual anti emetics had absolutely no effect. One time and I was eating again. I was amazed. Close family is a daily user since teen years. There is no symptoms at all of any psychological problems.
Thank you for this. I had suspected the Hamas terrorists had taken some sort of chemical substance given the barbarity of the attacks. It is good to know my instincts were correct.
There is a long history including Viking berserkers of taking drugs to enhance the 'fighting prowess'. There are reasons why berserkers were considered to be insane and unpredictable as they sometimes attacked their own side.
I read some early reports where Hamas commanders were denying everything because the Koran forbids such behaviour. If this is the case, then they need to take steps to ensure such behaviour is not repeated and all people taken in such a fashion are returned and restitution made.
I think you missed the point. There is history of fighters doing exactly what was outlined in the article. I could care less if Hamas is wiped off the planet. It doesn't surprise me they are using amphetamines like the nazis since they are nazis. Grand Mufti and forward. I think the book that death cult follows talks about Abraham, whose son Issac begat Jacob who became Israel. It's not even a religion that's as old as Judaism. Literally less than 300 years after Islam became a religion after Mohammad was expelled from Jerusalem the crusades began and a quest for a caliphate began.
Lets back this up to the 1950's and debunk all of the Propagandist trash about Jihadi terrorism.
Please list all of the Jihadi terrorist events that had taken place prior to this.
Then lets analyse US/Western intervention in the Middle East, from 1948 on, and Israeli actions since the creation of their "Homeland" in the middle east on land given to "Israel" by the British with the assistance of the US.
Land that was neither that of Britain or the US to give.
A sudden pattern of resentment toward the US/ West and Israel arises after this, accompanied by retaliation, and you're still flabbergasted and in denial as to why this occurred.
Did you really expect an observing and thinking world to accept your bullshit???
If so, you need both an education and professional help!!!
Whats laughable is that you think 1948 had nothing to do with the advent of terrorism!!!
The have been wars and invasions across the globe for thousands of years, and is Not unique to the middle East, but not terrorism.
May you should read up a little on Genghis Khan, who is not know to jave been affiliated to any religious grouping, yet he had people of every possible religious grouping within his fold, and he invaded and destroyed swaths across from the Middle East to China.
Give a list of the terrorist attacks prior to 1950, and don't tell me absolute nonsense about wars and invasions, that have taken place across the globe with the Ignorant pretence, that such wars only occurred in the middle east and were executed by only one religious group!!!
I just love how sanctimonious people like you claim to know what others “think” or “know”. Nowhere did I say or imply anything about the advent of terrorism in 1948, Im aware of Genghis Khan. Who are you trying to impress? Bc I’m not! And I certainly don’t make lists for mental maniacs.
True. Islamic savagery is a modern invention. But Will Durant in his "The story of civilization, Part 1: Our Oriental Heritage" wrote:
"The Mohammedan Conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. It is a discouraging tale, for its evident moral is that civilization is a precarious thing, whose delicate complex of order and liberty, culture and peace may at any time be overthrown by barbarians invading from without or multiplying within."
Islamic terrorism goes back a few years before 1948, it seems.
Really, the Islamists were the only so-called "Savages" in your words, who wrought havock on Asia and the Middle East???
What about the Crusades, Genghis Khan and his Mongols, and a host of others, either with No religious affiliation, or a different religious affiliation???
It seems that you only see what you want to see, and don't know the difference between invasion and conquest and terrorism.
KC Erasmus, a particular variation of the tu quoque logical fallacy is the whataboutery fallacy. Nowhere in the claim that Islamic savagery has devastated India is the implicit claim that all other groups across time and space are innocent of crimes. I suggest you try harder to deny Islamic terrorism. The whataboutism is weak.
You really are a Moron desperate to continue your False Narrative!!!
Talk about fallacy, your fallacy and incapacity to recognise that the case you put forward was Not Terrorism, but Conquest exposes either your dogmatic denialism, or Moronic incapacity to recognise and differentiate the facts.
its not anti semitism to realize that israel holds all the cards with the israel palestinian issue. native arabs hold no cards. Palestinians complied with the oslo accords, with the exception of a few hold outs. the party of bibi murdered Rabin and then aggressively enacted an illegal campaign of ethinic cleansing via its illegal settlements. when two parties are in conflict its often difficult to determine who to blame. thats not the case here.
just as gender ideology is really one of the most homophobic interventions man has ever enacted that harms gays, so too does the israel palestinian issue harm jewish people. when the state of israel perpetrates illegal ethinic cleansing of millions of native people while keeping millions of people in a harsh illegal prison for the past 56 years while 8 billion people watch, what can be said? this doesnt improve israel security. it just proves that the people running israel are incompetent and the US gov is corrupt. the illegal occupation of millions of native palestinians by white colonists from US and europe cant be justified. i feel sorry for those who have had to suffer this trauma on a personal basis. its clear that trauma is all thats left of the judgement of those who give a blank check to israel to carry out an unnecessary and counter productive humanitarian disaster.
That was hilarious Kyle. Would you care to share your research? I have to know your grade level here because that just told me you're a goosestepping nazi without saying it! 🤣🤣
The Nazi's used amphetamines so it does not suprise me in the least that their grandkids in Hamas do. Ww2 never ended for the mufti's troglodytes. I had never even know Syria was now a narco state nor what captagon was. I will say when bath salts made people into zombies in FL I thought it was kids getting high off actual stuff women put in their baths lol; so I guess it doesn't go without saying I've reached the kids are doing what nowadays age. It's exactly like the gunpowder crap they were giving child soldiers in Africa years ago though. Unreal man. Terrible. It's sad, just sad.
“Terrorism is the world’s second oldest profession.”
“Modern” terrorism is often cited as starting in the late 19th century with the anarchist movement in Russia, but groups have been using terrorist tactics to fight occupying or oppressive forces for as long as occupation or oppression has existed. The Sicarii in Roman occupied Jerusalem are a particularly relevant example of this.
Sorry but I think this is a misunderstanding, I meant that post as a reply to KC Erasmus who said terrorism started in 1948. I think I clicked to the wrong place to comment (new to this thing). I was not trying to make a defense of terrorist tactics for any means. The “equating” was simply to say this is not new, sadly.
anything to distract from israel keeping millions of native ppl in a harsh illegal apartheid prison called the west bank and gaza for the past 55 years and their only solution to this problem is ethnic cleansing.
its ironic that someone knowledgeable of the gender ideology issue is in support of israeli rights violations of the native arab population of palestine. many of the same mechanisms exist between the two issues.
- both israel and gender activists claim they are being threatened with major violence when in reality they suffer only minor offences when compared to the wrath they inflict on others for example via the occupation or via the harm caused by gender ideology policies and practises.
- both Israeli and gender activists promote collective measures to address their imaginary claims.
- both israel and gender activists have spent decades on a well financed PR and lobby campaign.
- both israel activists and gender activists have morphed into fascist movements that advocate for limits on freedom of speech.
- both israel and gender activists primarily target and harm historically marginalized groups for the benefit of white men who are not marginalized, but pretend to be.
the palestine area has been majority arab for the past 1000s of years. the last time jewish ppl had any more than a tiny % of ppl in this area was 5th century.
You're right, I had not ever heard of Captagon. Sounds like the stuff of a zombie movie. Except it's real life. Thank you for bringing this to my attention!
I’ve shared this article a few times. I hope this gets the notice it must get. Thank you.
School shootings in US track with flooding boys with designer speed (BigPhama ADHD meds), and more recently the atypical antipsychotics given to teens for “mood disorders”. Lastly add in “medical marijuana” which also makes people agitated and sometimes psychotic. Thanks for the article.
Cannabis doesn’t make ppl agitated. Quite the opposite. People who are predisposed to ‘agitation’ and psychosis maybe. Cannabis does not cause it.
Not my experience in the ER. There is little regulation of the components in today's retail marijuana.
Another thought about what you said / implied Dr, is that retail marijuana has other ‘components’. Retail meaning street or legalized state sold? Street weed can have bad stuff in it yes. But then that alone negates weed itself from being the culprit. Ty stick in the 70s was stronger than todays weed. USA is not the most used population. Statistically maybe as we have more ppl. But places like Jamaica Thailand So America have been using long before it became so popular in US. A symposium I attended in Montreal a few years ago had some interesting data. I feel any studies thus far have been inconclusive and somewhat biased.
The school shooters are all on sssri meds. A guy in Canada has done some really good research on this.
Good read. Thank you. I would like to go through and outline the things that can be disputed and discuss. Written by a journalist and not a medical person. There simply has not been good honest discussion or real scientific studies. They have always been skewed IMO. As an RN I knew not to use. I’m not a user, although I have tried,in college. I didn’t like the effects. The only time tolerable was after cancer treatments to stop the nausea. It’s the only thing that worked. All of the usual anti emetics had absolutely no effect. One time and I was eating again. I was amazed. Close family is a daily user since teen years. There is no symptoms at all of any psychological problems.
Thank you for this. I had suspected the Hamas terrorists had taken some sort of chemical substance given the barbarity of the attacks. It is good to know my instincts were correct.
Almost like Viking bezerkers on shrooms and nazis on meth right.
There is a long history including Viking berserkers of taking drugs to enhance the 'fighting prowess'. There are reasons why berserkers were considered to be insane and unpredictable as they sometimes attacked their own side.
I read some early reports where Hamas commanders were denying everything because the Koran forbids such behaviour. If this is the case, then they need to take steps to ensure such behaviour is not repeated and all people taken in such a fashion are returned and restitution made.
I think you missed the point. There is history of fighters doing exactly what was outlined in the article. I could care less if Hamas is wiped off the planet. It doesn't surprise me they are using amphetamines like the nazis since they are nazis. Grand Mufti and forward. I think the book that death cult follows talks about Abraham, whose son Issac begat Jacob who became Israel. It's not even a religion that's as old as Judaism. Literally less than 300 years after Islam became a religion after Mohammad was expelled from Jerusalem the crusades began and a quest for a caliphate began.
Almost like Viking bezerkers on shrooms and nazis on meth right.
Lets back this up to the 1950's and debunk all of the Propagandist trash about Jihadi terrorism.
Please list all of the Jihadi terrorist events that had taken place prior to this.
Then lets analyse US/Western intervention in the Middle East, from 1948 on, and Israeli actions since the creation of their "Homeland" in the middle east on land given to "Israel" by the British with the assistance of the US.
Land that was neither that of Britain or the US to give.
A sudden pattern of resentment toward the US/ West and Israel arises after this, accompanied by retaliation, and you're still flabbergasted and in denial as to why this occurred.
Did you really expect an observing and thinking world to accept your bullshit???
If so, you need both an education and professional help!!!
The first,second and third crusade and the caliphate that their goal is. It is their homeland. Where did the name Israel come from?
You really are confused and incoherent.
Meant to say Israel is the Jews homeland. It's inferred but I didn't specify.
1948? Laughable if you think 1948 was a cataclysm. Middle East as been fighting this fight for over 2000 years. Spare us your limited knowledge & BS.
Whats laughable is that you think 1948 had nothing to do with the advent of terrorism!!!
The have been wars and invasions across the globe for thousands of years, and is Not unique to the middle East, but not terrorism.
May you should read up a little on Genghis Khan, who is not know to jave been affiliated to any religious grouping, yet he had people of every possible religious grouping within his fold, and he invaded and destroyed swaths across from the Middle East to China.
Give a list of the terrorist attacks prior to 1950, and don't tell me absolute nonsense about wars and invasions, that have taken place across the globe with the Ignorant pretence, that such wars only occurred in the middle east and were executed by only one religious group!!!
I just love how sanctimonious people like you claim to know what others “think” or “know”. Nowhere did I say or imply anything about the advent of terrorism in 1948, Im aware of Genghis Khan. Who are you trying to impress? Bc I’m not! And I certainly don’t make lists for mental maniacs.
If you want more info, keeps track.
No record of any terrorist incidents before 1950 listed!!!
True. Islamic savagery is a modern invention. But Will Durant in his "The story of civilization, Part 1: Our Oriental Heritage" wrote:
"The Mohammedan Conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. It is a discouraging tale, for its evident moral is that civilization is a precarious thing, whose delicate complex of order and liberty, culture and peace may at any time be overthrown by barbarians invading from without or multiplying within."
Islamic terrorism goes back a few years before 1948, it seems.
Really, the Islamists were the only so-called "Savages" in your words, who wrought havock on Asia and the Middle East???
What about the Crusades, Genghis Khan and his Mongols, and a host of others, either with No religious affiliation, or a different religious affiliation???
It seems that you only see what you want to see, and don't know the difference between invasion and conquest and terrorism.
KC Erasmus, a particular variation of the tu quoque logical fallacy is the whataboutery fallacy. Nowhere in the claim that Islamic savagery has devastated India is the implicit claim that all other groups across time and space are innocent of crimes. I suggest you try harder to deny Islamic terrorism. The whataboutism is weak.
I find it hilarious that you're big on Karma, yet you fail to recognise that the Hamas attack on Israel was nothing other than Karma.
What goes around, comes around you Fucking Idiot!!!
You really are a Moron desperate to continue your False Narrative!!!
Talk about fallacy, your fallacy and incapacity to recognise that the case you put forward was Not Terrorism, but Conquest exposes either your dogmatic denialism, or Moronic incapacity to recognise and differentiate the facts.
Hitler invented methamphetamine
its not anti semitism to realize that israel holds all the cards with the israel palestinian issue. native arabs hold no cards. Palestinians complied with the oslo accords, with the exception of a few hold outs. the party of bibi murdered Rabin and then aggressively enacted an illegal campaign of ethinic cleansing via its illegal settlements. when two parties are in conflict its often difficult to determine who to blame. thats not the case here.
just as gender ideology is really one of the most homophobic interventions man has ever enacted that harms gays, so too does the israel palestinian issue harm jewish people. when the state of israel perpetrates illegal ethinic cleansing of millions of native people while keeping millions of people in a harsh illegal prison for the past 56 years while 8 billion people watch, what can be said? this doesnt improve israel security. it just proves that the people running israel are incompetent and the US gov is corrupt. the illegal occupation of millions of native palestinians by white colonists from US and europe cant be justified. i feel sorry for those who have had to suffer this trauma on a personal basis. its clear that trauma is all thats left of the judgement of those who give a blank check to israel to carry out an unnecessary and counter productive humanitarian disaster.
That was hilarious Kyle. Would you care to share your research? I have to know your grade level here because that just told me you're a goosestepping nazi without saying it! 🤣🤣
The Nazi's used amphetamines so it does not suprise me in the least that their grandkids in Hamas do. Ww2 never ended for the mufti's troglodytes. I had never even know Syria was now a narco state nor what captagon was. I will say when bath salts made people into zombies in FL I thought it was kids getting high off actual stuff women put in their baths lol; so I guess it doesn't go without saying I've reached the kids are doing what nowadays age. It's exactly like the gunpowder crap they were giving child soldiers in Africa years ago though. Unreal man. Terrible. It's sad, just sad.
“Terrorism is the world’s second oldest profession.”
“Modern” terrorism is often cited as starting in the late 19th century with the anarchist movement in Russia, but groups have been using terrorist tactics to fight occupying or oppressive forces for as long as occupation or oppression has existed. The Sicarii in Roman occupied Jerusalem are a particularly relevant example of this.
Are you really trying to equate this lol. Really. Leigonaires or Viking bezerkers, scythians, etc...nice try though.
Sorry but I think this is a misunderstanding, I meant that post as a reply to KC Erasmus who said terrorism started in 1948. I think I clicked to the wrong place to comment (new to this thing). I was not trying to make a defense of terrorist tactics for any means. The “equating” was simply to say this is not new, sadly.
I was referring to your interment that Sicarri were terrorists in Roman occupied Jerusalem around the time the 2nd temple was destroyed.
anything to distract from israel keeping millions of native ppl in a harsh illegal apartheid prison called the west bank and gaza for the past 55 years and their only solution to this problem is ethnic cleansing.
its ironic that someone knowledgeable of the gender ideology issue is in support of israeli rights violations of the native arab population of palestine. many of the same mechanisms exist between the two issues.
- both israel and gender activists claim they are being threatened with major violence when in reality they suffer only minor offences when compared to the wrath they inflict on others for example via the occupation or via the harm caused by gender ideology policies and practises.
- both Israeli and gender activists promote collective measures to address their imaginary claims.
- both israel and gender activists have spent decades on a well financed PR and lobby campaign.
- both israel activists and gender activists have morphed into fascist movements that advocate for limits on freedom of speech.
- both israel and gender activists primarily target and harm historically marginalized groups for the benefit of white men who are not marginalized, but pretend to be.
I guess Egypt is just as guilty with Gaza and Hamas
Your view is wildly incorrect. Seek reprogramming
- says typical brainwashed person who cant support his own views other than with mindless mantras.
How are jews not native to Israel Kyle?
the palestine area has been majority arab for the past 1000s of years. the last time jewish ppl had any more than a tiny % of ppl in this area was 5th century.
Your above BS proves your ignorance and your own brainwashed mind.
like how?