Hamas are terrorists. Annihilated is in their future.

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Hamas is in the process of being decimated. There is no such thing as a moderate Hamas member. They are savages.

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Moderate and Hamas do not belong in the same sentence...as you've just shown.

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Have Palestinians been well-served by the generational war they've waged on Israel?

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Killing a million children how do either side justify this. Gaza is an open air prison, no one gets in or out, no water, no food, no electricity, nothing to relieve this human catastrophe. Wishing death via genocide is not justified under any condition. Wake up and demand a cease fire on both sides now. Be rational, all sides are manipulating each other. Err on the side of humanity. We too are Palestinians as we are decimated by a bio-weapon in the guise of a vaccine. USA committing democide on its citizens and genocide on Palestinian citizens. Wake up people we are our own governments enemy which makes us Palestinians too!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I am not sure, but I believe that thousands of Gazans worked in Israel every day until 7 October, so they certainly got out. Some of those people providee maps used by Hamas when targetting the 1,400 people they murdered. In addition, I have heard that many Gazans did regularly travel out through the border with Egypt on a regular basis.

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after Harriet Stowe published Uncle Tom's Cabin in 1852, which described the lives of slaves in the southern US, there were slave owners who published their own accounts of slavery, describing how life for slaves was actually good. thats you.

the occupation is modern Israel's slavery issue, a feature of their birth. but unlike the US, israel has been unable to address this issue. the occupation characterizes israel more than anything else. just as slavery would define the US if it still existed today.

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Slavery is alive and flourishing. Government is the master. Sex slavery is rampant. Evil exists and is growing.

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Israel is murdering innocent Palestinian children now,refusing to provide food clothing and water, electricity, sanitation. These children will starve, get dysentery and cholera, nursing mother’s due to fear and anxiety and inadequate nutrition will not be able to feed their infants. This is happening now our country is supporting genocide. Wake up we have been poisoned via vaccines which are really bio-weapons approved by our DoD and HHS - we are all Palestinians we were siloed in our homes via lockdowns for 3 years we are still under martial law. Never demonize the other or civilians who deserve protection in a time of war.

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Perhaps If Hamas terrorist cowards didn’t use them as human shields and allow them to leave when Israel give the warning ahead. Hamas needs to be eliminated. They are ISIS. Irans pawns. Evil that needs eliminated

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not sure if youre aware that the US gov never defeated ISIS. in irag, it was the kurds and Iran backed fighters that defeated ISIS. in afghanistan, the taliban defeated ISIS. the US military lost to ISIS in both places. this shows the limits of hard power.

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Hamas doesnt speak for the Palestinians.

Isreal is not at risk from Hamas or anyone else. Hamas represents a small time crime issue, the same type of crime that exists in every US city. Israel kills exponentially more people than does hamas. its not even close. but these actions cant be considered equal. one is defensive. the other are Israel's illegal actions as a cynical effort to get cheep condos for white dudes from US and europe by illegally robbing land from natives who have lived in this area for 1000s of years.

Pro israel supporters love to elevate extremists and promote 1000 straw man arguements. Meanwhile its only israel that is keeping millions of native arabs in an illegal harsh prison for the past 56 years to achieve their goal of ethic cleansing while cynically claiming normal pushback to their own oppression somehow puts israel at risk.

so many reasons why zionism and gender ideology are so similar.

- both target and harm marginalized groups for the benefit of white males who are not marginalized, but pretend to be.

- both are primarily a PR and lobby campaign that uses fraud and distortions of promote the bogus claims of white males.

- both harm the citizens of the US by placing costs for their actions to the US citizen while they profit from their ill gotten gains

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hamas was (s)elected by vote count in 2005. supported by netanyahoo, mossad, and cia because hamas prevents the PLO from ruling.

that was the last election in Gaza. without elections, any cries of citizen support for a government (especially a government with the highest members living large on other countries) are nearly impossible to legitimize.

a comparison Americans may understand:

KGB AGENT: (knock knock knock)

CITIZEN: Yes, how must I help you?

KGB AGENT: We're taking a survey for foreigners to be better informed. Would you say you support our Fearless Leaders and system of communism?

CITIZEN 1: Yes, of course.

KGB AGENT: (adds a Yes to the tally)

CITIZEN 2: I'm sick of your repression. I say no.

KGB AGENT: (executes CITIZEN 2, adds another Yes to the tally.)

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Belief and hearsay are not facts. Maps were probably found online. Yes some Gazans worked in Israel that is not the same as getting out, strict restrictions governed their autonomy. All Gazans are not affiliated with Hamas nor do they support Hamas. Visits outside Gaza did occur but were highly restricted and once they left Israel could bar their return to Gaza forever. Read the work of author Norman Finkelstein or listen to his recent appearance on Jimmy Dore show on rumble for a balanced view of history and the ongoing debacle. Seek truth via fact finding clarification to help you avoid preconceived ideas or propaganda. Blessings to you in this journey.

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Maybe annihilation sounds a bit harsh to an outsider, but if the native Americans had annihilated their enemies they might still control their lands today. Palestinians never asked for any of this, it was imposed on them by intruders.

"We didn't land on Plymouth Rock; the rock was landed on us."

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Hamas absolutely asked for this. They do in fact behave like the Commanche Who were eventually eradicated thanks in part to Colts invention.

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Hamas didn't exist in 1947, when "this" began in earnest.

Glad to hear you approve of eradication, at least, which is another word for annihilation.

As Ehud Barak said: "If I were a Palestinian at the right age, I would have joined one of the terrorist organizations"

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They just have a new name.

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This has been for 2000+ years. Israel needs to go ‘Walkers Creek’ on them.

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Israel needs to go "Trail of Tears" and hike their sorry asses to somewhere that volunteers to host them, unlike Palestine, control of which which was gifted to the Israelis in 1948 by Rockefellers via the UN.

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/both/ governments directly involved in this conflict (the USG "just" supplies ordinance/intelligence/demands) call the civilians on the other side animals and inhuman. /both/ governments call for eradication of everyone on the other side of the containment fences.

I'm sure that if hamas had tanks/helicopters/jets/high tech missiles/white phosphorous ordinance, they'd use those on the population of Israel just like Israel has been using those on the captive population in Palestine.

both governments are staffed by war criminals who have clearly stated they desire total genocide of the other side.

I don't support hamas or their actions. I also don't support Israel's government or their actions. both governments suck and I support the civilians on both sides, the 1400 Israelis who were violently killed in a single day a month ago AND the 11000+ Palestinians who've been slaughtered by Israel since then.

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Hamas is always going to be with us, just in other alliterations and forms. History has shown that and only the naive will think differently. Just wait until it happens in your neck of the woods. No pun intended. 40 babies beheaded by Hamas in Israel.

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