All of these donors propping up the elite universities should have pulled their support long ago at the first sign of hypocrisy better known as the censorship of free speech, the hiring of government shills like warmonger Hilary or covid puppets Jacinta and Fauci ie vaccine mandates for schools, DEI, CRT etc. Now an issue hits them personally and they finally react. They share a great deal of responsibility for their complacency and participation in the destructive ideology and policies permeating our institutions. And as much as I abhor the blind eye of the sheepish schools, blacklisting individual students from employment or censorship of their 1st amendment right is not the answer. It’s the institutional leaders that need a good spanking.

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Harvard is the most demoralized DIEvy League university: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-get-into-harvard-part-3

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Great coverage by you, as always

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Oct 16, 2023·edited Oct 16, 2023Liked by Gerald Posner

The Telegraph of London had a very good article by the man who wrote Israelophobia about why liberals find it so hard to condemn Hamas and ended up cheerleading instead. I found it fascinating as there were some strands of anti-Semitic thought which has filtered down that I had no idea about. https://archive.ph/e78LC

On a more positive note, Sunak called it a pogrom in the House of Commons today and repeatedly said that it was Hamas, not Israel to blame. Starmer, the Leader of the Opposition also made a strong statement in favour of Israel.

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Even with the enforcement of "progressive" ideas on students and faculty, Harvard is still an extremely elitist school, and has been since it was first established in the 1630s. That they refuse to call out apologists for terrorists is just another sign of how elite it is.

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it's only "hate speech" when the people in charge disagree with the content

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In the spirit of Levity Monday: John Kerry knows exactly what to do. He and James Taylor will be whisking in on the Heinz family Gulfstream for a good ol' fashioned sing-along. I've seen fire and I've seen rain.

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