"The Frankenstein Files"
My New York Post OpEd about leaked files from the world's leading transgender healthcare association
My latest OpEd just went live in The New York Post. It is about explosive leaked files from inside The World Professional Association for Transgender Health, the organization whose guidelines are the defacto standard of care for transgender healthcare. The jaw-dropping files “reveal it is pushing hormonal and surgical transitions for minors, including stomach-wrenching experimental procedures designed to create sexless bodies that resemble department-store mannequins.”
Many thanks to Michael Schellenberger, to whom these documents were leaked last year. He was generous enough to share them with me under the condition I not write about them until tonight. All the leaked files, and a remarkable summary report written by
, are available at Environmental Progress.From my NY Post piece: “The World Professional Association for Transgender Health documents demonstrate it’s controlled by gender ideologues who push aside concerns about whether children and adolescents can consent to medical treatments that WPATH members privately acknowledge often have devasting and permanent side effects.”
Be forewarned, this story is graphic and at times very disturbing. As I write in the Post, these disclosures “might even prompt investigations into how those with distorted personal agendas seized control of the organization at the expense of science and patients.”
It is about time.
Read the full OpEd at his link: https://nypost.com/2024/03/04/opinion/secret-files-show-how-international-group-pushes-shocking-experimental-gender-surgery-for-minors/
Who funds WPATH? We need to name, shame, and punish all doctors who do harm to children. The Pritzkers and Plume Health are pushing trans drugs and surgeries: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-do-no-harm-part-2
Stunningly shockingly great eye opener!!!!! I’m sure you’ll be attacked by the alphabet mafia, WPATH & its disciples.