REVEALED: Nazi financial fixer who funded Palestinian terror
A snapshot from two years of digging in classified inteligence files
In today’s UK Jewish Chronicle,
and I cowrote an article about a mostly untold story we have dug out of U.S. intelligence files over the past couple of years. It is a glimpse into the tale of how François Genoud, a mysterious Swiss financier, used millions in Third Reich plundered loot to hide Nazi war criminals and fund the beginning of Palestinian terrorism. Genoud, who at times seems an enigmatic character cut from a John Le Carre novel, thrived in a deadly world of intrigue and espionage.Here is an excerpt from our JC article:
“In all the commentary about the roots of Islamic extremism that fuelled October 7, one important element has been overlooked: how the eliminationist anti-Jewish policies at the core of Hamas and other Palestinian terror groups is the product of a secret post-Second World War plan executed by a Swiss financier and ex-Nazis to incite Arabs to believe that the independence of their own countries was possible only without Jews in the Middle East.
This is not some wild conspiracy theory. It is based on two years of research into François Genoud, a Swiss banker who laundered looted Nazi treasure. A tip from a Catholic priest with a chequered past — criminal convictions for smuggling stolen art and trafficking heroin — kicked off our investigation into Genoud’s efforts to make Arab nationalists the new warriors in a Holy War against Israel and all things Jewish.”
I just hope a true miracle occurs and the Pope gets a vision from God and allows you to examine the financial records of the Vatican. I suppose when that happens I will be older than Methuselah and be able to walk on water. The complicity of SOME in the Church and the Nazis was well documented in God's Bankers. As to the marijuana article, why am I not surprised!