Posner in NY Times Calls on Pope Francis during Auschwitz Visit to Free Vatican's Secret Holocaust Files
Here is my opinion editorial today in the NY Times, urging Pope Francis to follow-up on his longstanding promise to release the Vatican's secret Holocaust archives.
Today is the right moment since the Pope visits Auschwitz.
Some of you might remember that in 2015 in separate editorials in The Los Angeles Times and The Washington Post I called on the Pope to release these archives
In 1991 I wrote an editorial in the NY Times calling on the Argentines to release their Nazi files. It was published on the day Argentina's president met in Washington with the first President Bush. That kickstarted the process for Argentina's eventual opening of their archives. Maybe the Vatican, the last nation to refuse to open its wartime files, will at long last become transparent
It might help to answer some of the many questions I raise in GOD'S BANKERS