The clip above is a two-minute trailer that includes the beginning of a deep-dive 90-minute conversation about Big Pharma that I recently had with PragerU’s CEO, Marissa Streit. It was a no-holds-barred interview that covered lots of controversial topics, from profits over patients, vaccines, dark money, the compromised FDA, and "gender affirming care" which I believe is as great a scandal as lobotomies.
Listen to the full interview on YouTube:
Wow! Thank you.
Gender “Affirming care”…more aptly called child mutilation is much worse than lobotomies! Lobotomies were not performed on children, and they were never pushed on others as the gender ideology is. People didn’t have to bow down to acceptance of lobotomies in order not to lose their jobs . The gender ideology is the most dangerous authoritarian ideology since Nazism, and even that was circumscribed to Germany and perhaps some other far right groups.This has gone pretty much global, and has contaminated influential media, governments, laws, etc. It is the first step to trans humanism , hence the danger.